Minutes of Ordinary Meeting held 4th April 2019, 7:30pm, Village Hall

Chairman: Cllr Firth
Fulking Parish Council (FPC): Cllrs Hind, Dyos and Healy
Mid Sussex district Council (MSDC): Cllrs Trumble and Wilkinson
Parish Clerk: Trevor Parsons
Members of the Public: There were four members of the public present
Members of the public were invited to ask questions and make comments prior to the meeting but none were raised.

1. Apologies for Absence.
Cllr Trist (FPC), Cllr Watts-Williams (MSDC) and Cllr Dennis (WSCC)

The meeting welcomed Samantha Leader who has submitted her nomination to become a Parish Councillor in Fulking, she will replace Michael Trist who, after many years of fine service to the Council, has decided not to stand at the forthcoming election.

2. Declaration of Members’ Interests.
There were no declarations of interest

3. Approve the Minutes of the Extraordinary Council Planning Meeting of 18th March 2019
Approved and signed by the Chairman as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

4. Planning Applications Update.
For the period 13th December 2018 to 18th March 2019, the following planning applications were reviewed

Market Gardens SDNP/18/04735/HOUS
Material change of use of land for stationing of caravans for residential occupation with facilitating development (hard standing)
FPC: 13/12/18 Unanimous Objection
SDNP: 14/02/19 Refused at Planning Committee
Appeal in Progress SDNP/19/00021/REF

Seasons Farm SDNP/18/06182/APNB
Agricultural barn to store hay and farm equipment
FPC: 03/01/19 Unanimous Support
SDNP: 07/01/19 Raise No Objection

Knole House SDNP/19/00006/HOUS
Demolition and replacement of an existing two-storey house and ancillary garage
FPC: 12/02/19 Unanimous Support
SDNP:22/03/2019 Case withdrawn

Downside SDNP/19/00908/HOUS
Single storey pool house with games room and shower/change facilities. Timber framed carport structure
FPC: 18/03/19 1 Object, 3 Neutral
SDNP: Application in progress

5. Reports from District and County Councillors.

Cllr Firth began with a word of thanks to all the MSDC and WSCC councillors who have attended Fulking Parish Council meetings over the last four years and for the tireless work undertaken to support the council particularly regarding the Market Gardens planning application held at South Downs National Park Authority.

Cllrs Trumble and Wilkinson report that:
MSDC will be reviewing the district’s car parking policies in the next sessions, including right number of spaces, right location and appropriate charging in all locations
MSDC will be looking to improve Sport & Leisure facilities across the district in the next four years.
Notice that Cllr Gary Wall will be retiring as Leader of MSDC.
Mayfield Development may be fully within Horsham district however MSDC are opposed to the project due to the huge negative impact on the utilities and services provided by MSDC
MSDC are very pleased with the improvements in Broadband speeds across rural Mid Sussex
ACTION: Cllr Firth to find out whether properties in Perching Sands have improved broadband speeds, now that Clappers lane speeds have improved

6. Matters Arising & Outstanding Actions:

Dark Night Skies: Cllr Firth to follow up, taking into account the SDNPA Emerging Plan.

Yellow lines: Still waiting on Richard Speller to advise, in the meantime Cllr Hind proposed purchasing new cones at a cost of £70 to dissuade cars from parking on the dangerous corner, seconded by Cllr Firth and carried unanimously.

HGV Sign has now been delivered and Cllr Firth will arrange for its installation.

The Clerk has chased SDNPA for help in providing a suitable Ram Pump information board.
ACTION: Clerk to ring Richard Speller to establish whether FPC would be able to seek further Operation Watershed grant funding following Richard’s visit in February 2019.

7. Approval of Procedures Review

The procedures are still being reviewed by Councillors which will carry to the next Ordinary Meeting in July, however Cllr Hind proposed that the £250 spending limit without obtaining three quotes be raised to £500 in line with national guidelines, seconded by Cllr firth and carried unanimously.

8. Elections Update

Completed nominations forms have been delivered to the Returning Officer and a Notice of Uncontested Election for Fulking has been received.

9. Reports from Outside Bodies.

Fulking Fair – the meeting was told that the marquee will not be sponsored by Shepherd & Dog as the lease is currently up for sale.
Village Hall Lease: Negotiations had stalled, however a new solicitor for PCC has been sourced and hopefully work will continue towards a new lease from PCC to FPC.

10. Information Items. To receive information and items for the agenda at future meetings.

The Parish Noticeboard has broken and Cllr Firth has asked a contractor to repair / refurbish the board for us, the cost will be within the new £500 limit.

11. Correspondence. To discuss correspondence and respond to correspondence received.

There was no correspondence to report to the meeting

12. Financial Matters: To receive the report on the Council’s income and to approve future expenditure.

Payments debited from the Parish Council Account at Barclays Bank are as follows:





15th Jan 2019

Payroll Services

Direct Debit


23rd Jan 2019


Direct Debit


31st Jan 2019

Clerk VAT Training



4th Mar 2019

McAfee Anti-Virus



18th Mar 2019

Surrey Hills Solicitors



15th Mar 2019

Clerk Election Briefing




On 6th March 2019, Fulking Parish Council received the Operation Watershed funding totalling £13,529.03 for the ditch clearing. This work is still to be completed by LandBuild once the ground is dry enough for its vehicles.

The latest Bank Statement was examined and signed by Cllrs Dyos and Healy as a true reflection of the Council’s current financial position.

The meeting closed at 8:37pm

Date of Annual General Meeting of the Council and Annual Parish Meeting: Wednesday 15th May 2019
Date of the next Ordinary Meeting: Thursday 11th July 2019
Both to be held at Fulking Village Hall at 7.30pm.