Trilby required

Trilby required
The Argus is looking for ‘community correspondents’:

They must have a detailed knowledge of their neighbourhood, be in tune with local events and be able to write concisely, accurately and fairly. We will be asking them to bring us news items, stories that matter and will interest their neighbourhood. It could be a community event, a hero who deserves recognition or an issue that is the talk of your neighbourhood. We know that parking, speed limits, crime and education are always hot topics. So they could help us to tell those stories from their local area. The stories do not have to be bad news. In fact, we would prefer if they weren’t. We are always looking for positive stories, tales of success and achievement. We are also interested in brightening up the day with funny quirky tales. We don’t mind as long as they are local.

If that sounds like you, contact Lucy Pearce, Head of Content, via And, if she turns you down, well, never mind: you can always offer your stories to the Fulking website.