Local Geology

The maps above derive from the British Geological Survey and are provided under the terms of the Open Government Licence. Contains British Geological Survey materials © NERC 2013.

Geology of the South Downs

The solid (bedrock) geology of the South Downs National Park

Landscape character types found in the Eastern half of the South Downs

Landscape character types found in the Eastern half of the South Downs

Soil types found within the South Downs

Soil types found within the South Downs

Historic landscape character types

Historic landscape character types found in the Eastern half of the South Downs

The maps above derive from those found in Chapter 2 of the 2012 edition of the State of the National Park Report issued by the SDNPA. The originals were produced GeoSpec, University of Brighton, in February 2012.

The Beeding Hill to Newtimber Hill SSSI

The Beeding Hill to Newtimber Hill SSSI (site of special scientific interest), map © Natural England, 2012.

The Geology of Devil's Dyke TQ21/47

The geology of Devil’s Dyke: clicking the image will take you through to the relevant Sussex Geodiversity page and allow you to access the photographs that correspond to the numbered yellow dots.

Risk of flooding area in Edburton and Fulking

The risk area (blue) for flooding in Edburton and Fulking: the Environment Agency rates the risk as ‘significant’ which means that there is a greater than 1 in 75 chance of flooding in any given year.

Further Reading:

David Robinson 2013 The Geology and Scenery of the Southdowns National Park


20th March 2013; updated 23rd March, 28th July, 16th October, 7th November 2013; 23rd March 2014