Not a Washout
I realize, because of omissions, it is a dangerous game thanking villagers for their contribution to a village event but here goes anyhow! This year’s fair was unlucky enough to have the worst weather we have seen for many years but in spite of this we had a really successful day, principally due to the following:
Harry and Charmayne for the use of their Downside Meadow which regrettably suffered due to vehicles damaging the turf.
David and Emily of the Shepherd & Dog for their very generous contribution of the splendid marquee which turned out to be the saviour of the day …and they ran the bar.
The marvellous team who handled stall booking, and pitches and directed them in atrocious conditions on the day.
The four guys and the “doll” for working miracles on the BBQ.
The ladies for managing so well with the Teas and Cakes.
Louise, Jay and George the Tombola stars for all their hard work and very successful takings.
Kev (honorary villager!) for organizing an afternoon of great music, without which we would have been lost, and for all those who performed so brilliantly for free.
To all the Social Committee for being such a great team, especially Darren, Lee and Nick.
To all the villagers who did something no matter how small to help!
The stallholders and demonstrators who turned up in spite of the weather.
Thank you all, you are the brilliant people who help make Fulking the fantastic village it is. Even with weather like that, Fulking Fair is still the best in Sussex!