FULKING Totebags, Tea towels and Mugs
This seems an opportunity to remind everyone of the very acceptable three items for sale in the accompanying display. All of these are very well made and excellent value. Sarah has quite a few in stock but these will probably be sold quite quickly. I do urge you to take advantage of this chance to put away some family and friends maybe Christmas presents at very reasonable prices. Unfortunately the cost of producing a T shirt with a similar logo is preventing the making these available at an attractive price. If there was sufficient demand it might be worth considering. I would certainly get one!
A thought…
As I get nearer to meeting Don Bradman, my thoughts turn to the great difference ageing can have depending, to a large extent, on how your cards are dealt. On the one hand you may keep your marbles, or most of them, and be restricted physically and on the other suffer from mental deterioration but remain pretty fit. I know friends who fall into either category and, personally, I consider myself lucky to fall into the former group. This is an opinion others may not share!