Minutes of Annual Meeting 18th May 2024 (Draft)

Minutes of the annual Meeting of the Council and Annual Parish Meeting of the Council held Thursday 18th May 2023 at 7.30 pm at Fulking Village Hall. 


Chairman:                                       Cllr Tom Kardos
Fulking Parish Council (FPC):       Cllrs Karen Healy, Linda Comber and Lucy Mehta 

Parish Clerk:                                    Trevor Parsons 

There were seven members of the public present who were offered an opportunity to speak.  

The meeting opened at 7.37pm. 

Agenda: Annual Meeting of Council 

24/025/AMC Chairman’s Welcome followed by Election of Chairman & Vice Chairman 

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. 

Cllr Healy proposed that Cllr Mark Hind be elected as Chairman for a further 12 months, seconded by Cllr Mehta. Councillors unanimously in favour. 

There was no election for a vice chairman. 

Meeting closed at 7.50pm 

Agenda: Annual Parish Meeting 

24/026/APM Apologies for Absence 

Apologies received from Cllr Hind (FPC) who is on holiday, Cllr Zeidler (MSDC) who as attending MSDC business and Cllr Dennis (WSCC) who was attending WSCC business.  

24/027/APM Approval of previous years’ minutes Annual Parish Meeting 18th May 2023 

The minutes of the 18th May 2023 Annual Parish Meeting were proposed by Cllr Healy, seconded by Cllr Mehta and unanimously accepted as a true record of the meeting. The Chairman signed the minutes accordingly. 

24/028/APM   Chairman’s report 

This is a summary of some of the achievements this year: 

Full Fibre Broadband Scheme 

The Council worked with Poynings Parish Council on a joint scheme to make superfast broadband available to the village. Most properties can now have access subject to payment of the appropriate tariff. 


Repairs were undertaken to the playground including some welding on the slide, new swings seats and replacement and removal of some of the wooden equipment. Unfortunately, these repairs show that increasing amounts of maintenance are required to keep the playground safe. 

Speed limits 

In response to resident complaints, the Council have been investigating for some time what it could do to help reduce the inappropriate speed of some traffic travelling along Clappers Lane and Edburton Road. 

A new speed limit of 30 mph was agreed by West Sussex County Council (WSCC) for Clappers Lane and new signage installed. The Parish Council took the view that going for the lowest limit of 30 mph which could be approved by WSCC was better than leaving the lane derestricted. 

A joint application with Poynings and Upper Beeding Parish Council’s has been made to WSCC to reduce the derestricted sections of Poynings and Edburton Road’s to 40 mph. The Parish Councils felt a 40 mph limit in place of 60 mph was a reasonable request and are hopeful that this request will be approved by WSCC. 


All planning applications for our village are decided by the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA). The Parish Council however is a consultee on any planning applications received and has commented on four applications during the past year. An Appeal Hearing regarding an Enforcement Notice issued to Small Acres by the SDNPA was held by the Planning Inspector at the SDNPA head office in Midhurst in February. The Parish Council was represented at the hearing and subsequently the Planning Inspector upheld the enforcement notice. 

Village Signs 

The three village signs have been gradually deteriorating over the last few years and two of them were blown down in the winter storms. The Council has arranged for the signs to be refurbished by local resident James Lightfoot and they will be reinstalled over the next few weeks 

Parish Priorities Statement 

The Council has decided to proceed with producing a Parish Plan as encouraged by the South Downs National Park Parish Priorities Statement initiative. It is essential for us to gather the views of residents so we are currently preparing a questionnaire which will be circulated to all as part of our consultation process. We expect to circulate this in the next few weeks and further details will be shared once it has been finalised. 

24/029/APM    Guest Speaker – Kayla Ente MBE  –  Brighton & Hove Energy Services Co-operative (BHESCO) 

BHESCO is a not-for-profit social enterprise dedicated to accelerate the transition from fossil fuels to affordable renewable energy. Kayla addressed the meeting offering assistance to apply for grants to fund a survey of housing in Fulking to establish viable renewable energy options available to the village. This would include wind, solar, ground and air sourced power generation. Parishioners and Councillors asked challenging questions and answers were provided. The Chairman thanked Kayla for her presentation which was most enlightening. 

24/030/APM    Reports from District & County Councillors 

As neither MSDC or WSCC Councillor was present no reports were submitted. 

24/031/APM.   To consider and agree the Internal Audit Report Letter dated 20/04/2024. 

The Internal Auditor Report was reviewed by Councillors. Acceptance proposed by Cllr Mehta, seconded by Cllr Comber and approved unanimously. 

24/032/APM.   To consider and agree the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) for the year ending 31 March 2024 ensuring it accurately presents the financial management of the Council as required by the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015. 

The Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) for the year ending 31 March 2024 was reviewed by Councillors. Acceptance proposed by Cllr Comber, seconded by Cllr Mehta and unanimously approved as a true record of the accounts. 

24/033/PM    Planning Application – SDNP/24/01765/LIS. 

Proposal: Extension and remodelling of the existing dwelling including the incorporation of renewable energy sources and a wildflower roof in addition to the rationalisation of existing outbuildings. Location: Furzefield , Clappers Lane, Fulking, West Sussex, BN5 9NJ 

The application was discussed by Councillors. 

It was noted: 

Represents a significant redevelopment, a green roof will require a lot of maintenance, short term building traffic along Clappers Lane.  

Councillors raised no objection to the application and recommended a condition that the roof is maintained as a green roof and not for recreation. 

24/034/PM   Planning Application – SDNP/24/01563/HOUS 

Proposal: Retrospective application for amendments to previous approval, to resite the driveway and garage Location: The Dales , Poynings Road, Fulking, West Sussex, BN5 9NB 

Councillors discussed the application and all agreed a neutral stance 

The meeting closed at 8:58pm 

Date of next Ordinary Meeting Thursday 11th July 2024.