Parish Council Payments over £100 April 2017 – 2018

D Blackhall 999.98
Direct Credit HMRC VAT Refund
HMRC 169.8
200 l Forest Green Grit Bin 118.79
PJP Carpentry – NTF 1240.8
Cane & Co Insurance 381.42
Jen Green gift to Tony 120.00
Mark Stepney – Grass 360
PJP Carpentry – NTF 390
D Blackhall 743.35
HMRC 157
Play Safety Inspection 100.8
Clerk’s SLCC Membership 149
Mark Stepney – Grass 360
PJP Carpentry – NTF 326.4
D Blackhall 831.34
HMRC 169.6
Edburton Contractors 18886.64
SJ Lights 115.5
D Blackhall 681.5
HMRC 165.4
D Blackhall 251.21
Miles gift to Kate Watson 145
Microsoft 365 328.32

Parish Council Payments over £100 April 2018 – 2019

SSALC Recruitment Assistance 420.00
Locum Parish Clerk 212.60
Mark Stepney – Grass 360.00
Came & co Insurance 389.05
MSDC – Dog Bin Mgt 330.84
Satswana 180.00
Mark Stepney – Grass 360.00
Playsafety Limited 100.80
Clerk Pay (Chq to Royal London) 1039.44
Mark Stepney – Grass 390.00
Clerk Pay (to Royal London) 967.51
Moore Stephens 296.88
Surrey Hills Solicitors 309.60
Surrey Hills Solicitors 165.60
Clerk Pay (to Royal London) 967.51
McAfee 125.98
Mark Stepney – Grass 560.00
CilCA NVQ3 Support to Clerk 320.00
CiLCA NVQ3 fee to SLCC to Clerk 350.00
Clerk Pay (to Royal London) 967.51
SSALC Election Training 48.00
Surrey Hills Solicitors 193.20
Microsoft fee and Gongle 415.51

Parish Council Payments over £100 April 2019 – 2020

Barriers Direct NTF Parking Post 239.33
MSDC Dog Bin Mgt 330.84
PJP Carpentry – Noticeboard Repair 438.00
Surrey Hills Solicitors 115.20
Satswana 180.00
Came & Company Insurance 400.72
ROSPA Annual Inspection 103.20
Clerk Pay Q1 1005.42
Streetlights 175.50
Mark Stepney 390.00
Surrey Hills Solicitors 150.00
Clerk Pay Q2 1005.42
Mark Stepney 390.00
Landbuild (Watershed) 16234.84
Clerk Pay Q3 1005.42
Microsoft 365 383.04

Parish Council Payments over £100 April 2020 – 2021

Clerk Pay Q4 2019 – 2020 1005.42
SLCC Subscription 109.00
Business Services Insurance 246.40
Mark Stepney – Grass 390.00
Playsafety Inspection 103.20
MSDC – Dog Bin Fee – 2019/2020 661.69
Clerk Pay Q1 1053.78
Clerk Pay  Q2 1053.78
Playground Maintenance 498.00
EVO Home Services – Ladybrook. 168.00
Mark Stepney – Grass 575.00
Clerk Pay Q3 1053.78
Fitzpatrick Woolmer Ram Pump 1246.80
MSDC – Dog Bin Fee – 2020/2021 724.41
Clerk Pay Q4 1053.78
Microsoft 365 383.04

Parish Council Payments over £100 April 2021 – 2022

SLCC Subscription 112.00
Mulberry – Councillor Training 168.00
CAS Insurance 353.10
Clerk Pay (to Dentons SIPP) 1053.78
Surrey Hills Solicitors – Village Hall 150.00
Playsafely 103.20
Surrey Hills Solicitors – Village Hall 870.00
Clerk Pay (to Dentons SIPP) 1053.78
UKPN – Clappers Lane 3759.24
Streetlights  – removal of post NTF 183.30
Streetlights – Bulb & service Stammers 228.00
UK Power Networks 244.80
Fitzpatrick Woolmer 1246.80
Jakk Country Furniture 1268.64
Playsafely 1798.80
Broadband Flyers 135.00
Clerk Pay (to Dentons SIPP) 1053.78
Streetlights  – install of new streetlight 3054.00
Streetlights Co UK 166.80
Mark Stepney – Grass Cutting 640.00
Office 365 renewal 383.04
Rural Sussex 144.00
Dog Bin 776.26
Clerk Pay (to Dentons SIPP) 1053.78

Parish Council Payments over £100 April 2023 – 2024

BHIB – Yr 2 – Insurance 408.58
Q1 Clerk Quarterly Salary 1150.50
C T Fabrications 600.00
RoSPA 302.40
Mark Stepney – Grasscutting 850.00
Moore Stephens Audit 252.00
Q2 Clerk Quarterly Salary 1791.66
Mulberry Councillor Training 216.00
Q3 Clerk Salary & Backpay 1707.42
The Dylan Group (swings) 150.18
Streetlights 115.50
NPower Electricity 157.41
Dog Bins 876.10
Action for Rural Sussex 144.00
SLCC 144.00
Microsoft Office 365 493.92
Q4 Clerk Quarterly Salary 1549.86
Streetlights 117.30

Minutes of Planning Meeting 18th November 2024

Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Fulking Parish Council held Monday 18th November 2024 at 7.30pm at Fulking Village Hall.  


Chair: Cllr Mark Hind 

Fulking Parish Council (FPC) Cllr Linda Comber, Cllr Lucy Metha, Cllr Tom Kardos & Cllr Karen Healy 

Clerk Trevor Parsons 

There were three members of the public present. The meeting started at 7.30pm. 


Public Participation: There will be a period of 15 minutes set aside at the beginning of the meeting for the public to ask questions or make comments on items on the Agenda. Comments on items not appearing on the agenda can be made at the chairman’s discretion.  

24/063/PM.          Apologies for Absence. 

All Councillors were present 

24/064/PM.          Declaration of Members’ Interests. 

None declared 

24/065/PM.          Planning matters – SDNP/24/02084/FUL 

Proposal: Removal of the existing public grass bank to the front of the property, and formation of new hardstanding/driveway  

Location: 13 Clappers Lane, Fulking, West Sussex, BN5 9ND Grid Ref: Eastings: 524922, Northings: 111602 

The applicant addressed the Council explaining the reasons why the new driveway providing level access to the house was required which it was agreed, was completely understandable. One member of the public had some questions which were answered fully by the applicant. 

It was noted that: 

Limited mobility is the reason why level access is required and recommended by the Occupational Therapist 

Driveway will be built on Common Land in front of their house using qualified surveyor for Amber Living. 

Materials for best drainage recommended 

Planting of bushes either side of the drive to stabilise the land recommended 

Councillors voted unanimously in favour of the application. 

24/066/PM.          Planning Appeal – Small Acres 

On 11th November 2024 Fulking Parish council was notified of an appeal against the Refusal of Planning Permission of SDNP/24/02216/FUL at Small Acres. 

Councillors discussed the appeal and decided to send a written representation to the Planning Inspectorate. 

The meeting closed at 8.45pm.  

Minutes of Ordinary Meeting Held 16th January 2025 (Draft)

Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting of Fulking Parish Council held Thursday 16th January 2025 at 7.30pm at Fulking Village Hall.  

Present Chair:

Cllr Mark Hind 

Fulking Parish Council (FPC) Cllr Linda Comber, Cllr Lucy Metha, Cllr Tom Kardos & Cllr Karen Healy 

Mid Sussex District Council (MSDC) Cllr Geoff Zeidler 

West Sussex County Council (WSCC) Cllr Joy Dennis 

Clerk Trevor Parsons 

There were 20 members of the public present. One member of the public raised a concern regarding current building work at a property in the village and Councillors empathised but reiterated that the works were currently within the approval of SDNPA. 

The meeting started at 7.30pm. 


25/001/OM.            Apologies for Absence. 

All councillors were present 

25/002/OM.            Declaration of Members’ Interests. 

No interests declared. 

25/003/OM.            Approve the Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting of 17th October 2024 and Planning Meeting 18th November 2024 

The minutes, subject to any amendments, to be approved and signed as a true record of the meeting. 

Councillors unanimously approved the minutes of both meetings as a true and accurate record. 

25/004/OM.            Reports from District and County Councillors.   

Cllr Geoff Zeidler (MSDC) provided his monthly report to all Councillors in his Ward. Item’s relating directly to Fulking were that Clappers Lane TRO has been implemented. Concerns about the Campsite at Springs required a response by 3rd January however SDNPA have agreed to receive our comments by 17th January 2025. Still awaiting the Inspector’s decision in relation to permission at Small Acres which was submitted on 11th December. 

Cllr Joy Dennis (WSCC) reported that a balanced budget at WSCC had been approved meaning that all services will be maintained. West Sussex, East Sussex and Brighton & Hove Unitary Authorities have all put themselves forward to be in the next tranche of the Local government re-organisation which will see District Councils disappear by 2028 and replaced by three new larger unitary authorities. This action will not affect town and parish councils although some services provided by District Councils may be passed to larger town councils after 2028.  

25/005/OM.            Matters Arising & Outstanding Actions To clarify and report on actions brought forward from the last meeting. 

Ram Pump House Roof  

The independent surveyors report has been received by the clerk which confirms the structure of the building and roof timbers are sound. Additional remedial works are recommended in the report whilst the Ram Pump House Roof is repaired. 

Action – Clerk to arrange for three roof repair quotes in line with the surveyor’s recommendations. 

Notice board – the new notice board has been delivered, and the Clerk and Cllr Hind will find time to install the new board in the next couple of weeks. 

25/006/OM.           Operation Crackdown        

This is a Sussex Police initiative to removed abandoned cars from our streets. The vehicle abandoned by the Ram Pump has been reported to Sussex Police however little action has been taken so far. Cllr Zeidler confirmed that other parishes are having similar issues and will chase this up. 

25/007/OM.            Proposed Campsite at The Springs SDNP/24/05059/LDP 

This application within the Upper Beeding Parish Council boundary prompted an unusually large attendance that this meeting. Poynings Parish Council have already submitted their comments against application and all speakers were similarly unhappy with the proposal. Councillors discussed the application and agreed to submit comments to SDNPA as follows: 

Fulking Parish Council meet on 16th January to discuss SDNP/24/05059/LDP.  The meeting was attended by more than 20 members of the public, two District Councillors and our County Councillor.  Following a discussion on the application the Council voted unanimously to oppose this application for the following: 

  1. There is no public transport which serves this proposed camp site so all visitors will need to drive.  The majority of access to the site is likely to be via Fulking which already has a 20 mph limit and Heavy Goods access only restrictions in place due to the narrow width through the village.  The potential increase in traffic through the village will be detrimental both environmentally and safety of Fulking. 
  1. Works appear to have commenced on site in advance of this application being approved, including the removal of an ancient hedge.  Other works on the site would appear to also need planning permission separately however at this time there is no application in place. 
  1. The application appears to be changing the use of the private field from agricultural to general Class E / Sui Generis which should not be approved under Permitted Development. If this change of use is approved this could open the door to further development on the site more readily than it remaining agricultural.  

It is the view of Fulking PC that this development will harm the local amenities and request that SDNP trigger an Article 4 direction on the site to remove the permitted development rights and therefore requiring a formal planning application to consider the impact of this proposed site. 

25/008/OM.           2025 – 2026 Precept 

In Ordinary Meeting Item 24/060/OM in October 2024 councillors approved a 22% increase in precept to £13,800 for the purpose to cover increased costs and build a separate fund to replace the playground equipment. Cllr Hind asked Councillors to reflect on this decision in light of the continuing economic crisis.  

Cllr Healy has met with several playground companies at a recent event and all councillors agreed that further work needs to undertaken to better understand the real cost of a replacement playground together with grant funding opportunities available, before agreeing a monetary provision. 

Councillors then unanimously agreed to a 7% increase the precept to £12,000 to cover increased costs are running the Council for 2025/2026. 

25/009/OM.            Village Hall 

An Open Day was held on Saturday 11th January 2025 to raise awareness of the planned purchase of the Hall from the local PCC. Villagers were also encouraged to complete the online survey on what services are utilised and what other services could be provided. 

Additional Trustees and a new joint chair have been appointed to drive the fundraising forward. The Fulking Village Hall CIO charity has until 31st December 2025 to complete the purchase. 

Councillors agreed that the Asset of Community Value category of the Village Hall at MSDC which expires in August 2025 should be renewed.   

25/010/OM.       Small Acres Update 

An appeal to the Planning Inspector is underway following the rejection of the planning application for one gypsy plot by the SDNPA in September 2024. 

25/011/OM.       Information Items.  To receive information and items for the agenda at future meetings. 


25/012/OM.              Correspondence.  To discuss correspondence and respond to correspondence received. 

An email was received from a resident in Clappers Lane advising that the grit bin was empty. The clerk contacted the local farmer, where our spare grit is stored, and he very kindly refilled the grit bin himself for the Council. We are very grateful to him for doing this. 

He reported at the bin was in poor condition and it was agreed to look at all seven bins owned by the council as other bins are also becoming beyond economic repair. 

25/013/OM.              Financial Matters. To receive the report on the Council’s income and to approve future expenditure 

15th October 2024 Sigma Payroll £28.45 

24th October 2024 NPower Streetlights £126.74 

19th November 2024 Ram Rump Lock £150.00 

27th November 2024 Fulking NTF Trust £20.00 

4th December 2024 Mark Stepney Grass £895.00 

7th January 2025 Clerk Salary £1692.60 

Receipts – MSDC Precept £5,625 and SDNPA CIL £375.00 

Councillors reviewed the income and expenditure for the period and unanimously agreed to ratify all the payments made. 

The balance in the current account is £495.71 and the balance in the deposit account is £20,000 

25/014/OM.               To set a date of Annual General Meeting of the Council and Annual Parish Meeting:  

Dates 2025 Ordinary Parish Council Meetings: Thursday 10th April 2025 

Thursday 10th July 2025 

Thursday 9th October 2025 

Provisional Annual Parish Meeting Thursday 22nd May 2025. 

The meeting closed at 9.15pm. 

Minutes of Ordinary Meeting held 17th October 2024 (Draft)

Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting of Fulking Parish Council held Thursday 17th 2024 at 7.30pm at Fulking Village Hall.


Chair: Cllr Mark Hind

Fulking Parish Council (FPC) Cllr Linda Comber, Cllr Lucy Mehta, Cllr Tom Kardos & Cllr Karen Healy

Mid Sussex District Council (MSDC) Cllr Geoff Zeidler

West Sussex County Council (WSCC) Cllr Joy Dennis

Clerk Trevor Parsons

There were three members of the public present.

The meeting started at 7.30pm.


24/053/OM. – Apologies for Absence.

All councillors were present

24/054/OM. – Declaration of Members’ Interests.

No interests declared

24/055/OM. – Approve the Minutes* of the Ordinary Meeting of 11th July 2024 and Planning meeting 12th August 2024 The minutes, subject to any amendments, to be approved and signed as a true record of the meeting.

Ordinary meeting – Proposed by Cllr Kardos, Seconded by Cllr Mehta – approved unanimously

Planning Meeting – Proposed by Cllr Comber, Seconded by Cllr Healy – approved unanimously

24/056/OM. – Matters Arising & Outstanding Actions – To clarify and report on actions brought forward from the last meeting.

Village signs – The Clerk reported that two signs were repainted and erected on new posts with the final repainting underway with James Lightfoot. It was unanimously agreed that the new village signs are excellent.

TRO Poynings / Edburton Road – The Clerk reported that WSCC has approved the speed reduction to 40mph along Edburton Road and Poynings Road outside the villages. It is hoped that vehicles will now travel slower and large lorries will less frequently be directed through the village by satellite navigation.

RoSPA Playground Inspection – following RoSPA stand response in July, further investigation is required. Council to send photos to RoSPA for clarification of which play activity requires repair.

Parish Plan – To be reviewed at January meeting.

Small Acres – The recent planning application was declined by SDNPA. In additional the council has been notified that an appeal has been made against the enforcement of the eviction.

Flytipping – Cllr Healy reported issues with MSDC removing flytipping from Clappers Lane. Police had instructed for the waste to be moved off the road resulting in contractors refusing to remove the waste now on private land. Cllr Healy contacted Cllr Ziedler for his assistance to instruct contractors to remove the waste, and this has now been done.

24/057/OM – Reports from District and County Councillors.

Councillors received their quarterly report from Cllr Zeidler (MSDC) with matters pertaining to Fulking being:

I have received the offer of support for Parish Playground in North Town Field for a PSPO and provided a route forwards. I have also assisted a resident in getting fly tipping cleared and there is continuing support in relation to the Small Acres enforcement.

Cllr Dennis (WSCC) reported:

1. The WSCC budget for next year is looking favourable with no impact on services, this will be reviewed and ratified.

2. A County Water Summit Group has been created including delegates from WSCC, the water companies and DeFRA. There are serious issues to be addressed around future availability of drinking water due to the level of new builds in the County and the responsible management of wastewater.

3. There is a new lane rental scheme in place where contractors (utilities, developers etc) digging up certain roads will be charged a daily levy of £2,500 to incentivise the contractor to complete works in a shorter number of days. The County has employed 10 enforcement officers to ensure compliance of the rules.

24/058/OM – Village Hall Update

Cllr Hind updated the meeting to advise that the Village Hall CIO was meeting that week to appoint additional trustees and to put in place an action plan to raise £100,000 to secure the purchase of the Hall from the local Parochial Church Council.

24/059/OM – Ram Pump repairs

The Ram Pump House roof has missing tiles. As a listed building, consent would be required from SDNPA to replace the roof. The Clerk will be undertaking an initial survey of the Ram Pump House on 26th November with a local specialist to establish whether a repair (which may not need planning consent) or replacement roof will be required and report back to Councillors with findings.

24/060/OM. – Fulking Parish Council Budget 2025/2026

Councillors discussed the Budget for the next financial year which would include starting a separate fund for the future replacement of the playground equipment. If a grant to assist with the new playground was to be sought in the future, the Council would need to evidence its contribution towards the cost. It was proposed that the precept be increased to £13,800 being a rise of £500 to cover the increasing costs of running the Council plus £2,000 to be held in a separate account for the new playground fund. Councillors voted four in favour of a precept of £13,800 for 2025/2026 with one Councillor against.

24/061/OM. – Reports from Outside Bodies, Information Items & Correspondence

An invitation to the AGM of WSALC on Monday 4th November 2024 was received and Cllr Healy indicated her intent to attend on behalf of Fulking Parish Council

24/062/OM. – Financial Matters: To receive the report on the Council’s income and to approve future expenditure.

15/07/2024 Sigma Payroll £28.45

16/07/2024 Village Sign 2 £500.00

24/07/2024 Electricity £132.53

30/08/2024 Village Sign 3 £500.00

11/09/2024 Clerk Salary £1,549.86

Receipt – Precept £5,625

Councillors reviewed the income and expenditure for the period and unanimously agreed to ratify all the payments made.

Date of the next Ordinary Meeting: Thursday 16th January 2025

The meeting closed at 9.30pm