Minutes of Ordinary Meeting Held 11th April 2024 (draft)

Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting of Fulking Parish Council held Thursday 11th April 2024 at 7.30pm at Fulking Village Hall.  


Chair: Cllr Karen Healy 

Fulking Parish Council (FPC) Cllr Linda Comber, Cllr Lucy Metha & Cllr Tom Kardos 

Mid Sussex District Council (MSDC) Cllr Geoff Zeidler 

There was one member of the public present. 

The meeting started at 7.38pm. 

24/014/OM.         Apologies for Absence. 

Apologies were received from Cllr Hind who was away on holiday. 

24/015/OM.         Declaration of Members’ Interests. 

No Interests declared. 

24/016/OM.         Approve the Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting of 11th January 2024 

The minutes, subject to any amendments, to be approved and signed as a true record of the meeting. 

The minutes of the Ordinary Meeting were approved unanimously by Councillors and duly signed by the Chair. 

24/017/OM.         Reports from District and County Councillors.   

Cllr Zeidler (MSDC) reported: 

  • Discontent amongst some Councilors with the new Sunday and late parking charges to be introduced in Mid Sussex. In addition, increases to usual parking charges were also approved.   
  • Concern over potential changes to General & Business Rates could result in Mid Sussex receiving less income due to the likely changes. 
  • MSDC are looking closer at carbon reduction and how district, town and parish councils can reduce their footprint. Various apps are now available to measure one’s own footprint. 

24/018/OM.         Matters Arising & Outstanding Actions To clarify and report on actions brought forward from the last meeting.  

TRO Poynings Road / Edburton Road – The Clerk reported that WSCC have acknowledged the application, Sussex Police have indicated no objection and the necessary forms are now with the TRO Team at WSCC. 

WSCC drain unblocking – WSCC acknowledged the online requested and have confirmed the drain has been unblocked. 

Small Acres – The Planning Inspectorate upheld the SDNPA enforcement notice with corrections and variations and refuse to grant planning permission on the application deemed to have been made under section 177(5) of the 1990 Act as amended. 

Village signs – Cllr Comber showed the meeting a photograph of the first village sign which has been repaired by local artist, James Lightfoot. Councillors were delighted with the results and unanimously agreed to commission Mr Lightfoot to repair the other two village signs. The £500 invoice has been present and will be paid for the work done.  

24/019/OM.     Parish Plan 

Progress is being made with the ongoing project, assisted by Action in rural Sussex (AirS)  to create a Community Survey which will help structure the next Fulking Parish Plan. 

Action: Cllrs Comber and Metha have agreed to combine their ideas into a questionnaire format to be submitted to AirS for their consideration.  

24/020/OM.        Reports from Outside Bodies. 

None received 

24/021/OM.       Information Items.  To receive information and items for the agenda at future meetings. 

None received 

24/022/OM.       Correspondence.  To discuss correspondence and respond to correspondence received. 

None received  

24/023/OM.        Financial Matters. To receive the report on the Council’s income and to approve future expenditure. 

The following amounts have been paid from 11th January 2024 to 11th April 2024  

Sigma Payroll                          £28.45 

Dylan Group (Swings)          £150.18 

Streetlight Repairs               £115.50 

Electricity                               £157.41 

Dog Bin Clearance                £876.10 

Rural Sussex Membership   £144.00 

SLCC                                         £144.00 

Microsoft Office                    £493.92 

Clerk Salary                         £1,838.37 

Village Hall Hire                  £     90.00 

Streetlight Repairs             £   117.30 

The Clerk reported to Councillors that the current account balance in Barclays Bank was £1,849.49 with £16,000 held in the deposit account. 

Date of the Annual Meeting is Wednesday 15th May 2024.  

Next Ordinary Meeting scheduled for Thursday 11th July 2024.