Bobservation No. 122: Call My Budget Bluff

The Budget
Now, depending on your political affiliation, you may have your own thoughts on Rachel Reeves’ Budget.
So far as I am concerned and ignoring everything else the National Health Service must come first. Not only are we all served by a fine and dedicated staff but the degree of care and kindness is quite exceptional. The bonus is that this is the foundation of the welfare state, in many ways the envy of most civilised countries worldwide.  Having suffered from lack of proper investment for many years, it will be interesting to see how quickly the waiting lists can be reduced.

Call my Bluff Evening
Sally may still have a few tickets left for the Call my Bluff wine evening on Friday November 8th in the village hall.
In the past we have had some riotous evenings and there is no reason why this one should not be very good fun.
It requires little or no knowledge of wines! Regrettably old age prevents me from attending but Mrs Ormsby-Gore joins me in wishing you all a very good evening.