Local Artists

This page showcases the work of artists who live (or lived) in Fulking or the immediate vicinity. Click on any thumbnail to scroll through larger versions of the images by the artist.

Nick Bremer www.nickbremer.com landscapes, portrait busts in bronze

Pauline Findlay www.studioshards.co.uk handmade fused glass art

Chris Gildersleeve gilder6646@aol.com sculptures in clay and stone

Jen Green www.greenartandcraft.co.uk flowers, landscapes, mosaic mirrors

Rebecca Hames www.rebeccadeco.co.uk decoupage table mats and coasters

Áine Henson aineshandmadejewellery.com handmade jewellery

James Lightfoot www.lightfootart.com landscapes and portraits

Note: the copyright for all the artwork images presented here is held by the individual artists. These images are not provided under the Creative Commons Attribution No Derivatives Licence that applies to much of the material on this website.