Our knowledgeable and interesting village web site gives details of the census data for Fulking in 2011. I appreciate that this is some 6 years old now but I find some of the information quite fascinating.
Fulking had 137 dwellings of which 130 are considered households. Of these households 10 had one bedroom, 25 had two bedrooms and 45,32, and 18 had three, four and five bedrooms respectively. Five had no central heating and six relied on solid fuel.
Flats numbered 7, terraced households 7, semi-detached 40 and detached were 76. All households had at least 3 rooms and 29 had 9 or more rooms. Vehicles per household were nil in 7 households, one in 36, two in 68, three in 13 and four+ in 6 households. 53 households were owned outright and 51 were subject to a mortgage or loan. 19 rented from private landlords, one was rent free.
The oldest villager was aged 97 and the next oldest was 91 and then there were two aged 90. Ten were aged 47 as were those aged 56, these were the highest for any age group. One was less than 1 year and three were aged one. Of the 303 residents, 272 were born in England, 4 in Germany, 3 in Kenya, 3 in the USA and 3 in Hong Kong.
Christians numbered 184, no religion 90, two were Hindu and one a Buddhist, there were no Jewish or Moslem residents, although 24 residents did not state a religion. No one lived in a Commune or was sleeping rough. 27 residents had a second address and of these 15 were outside the UK. Females numbered 161 and males 142.
This is just a selection from the very extensive web site and I hope is of as much interest to you as it was to me.