Population (m + f) | 303 (142 +161) |
Born in England | 272 |
Ethnic group: white/other | 291/12 |
Health: very good/good/fair/bad/very bad | 162/104/32/4/1 |
Population density (persons per hectare) | 0.5 |
Dwellings | 137 |
Bedrooms: 1/2/3/4/5+ | 10/25/45/32/18 |
Central heating: none/solid/electric/gas/oil | 5/6/17/20/66 |
Households | 130 |
Head of household: unemployed/employee/self-employed/retired | 0/60/35/28 |
Property type: flat/terrace/semi/detached | 7/7/40/76 |
Number of vehicles per household: 0/1/2/3/4+ | 7/36/68/13/6 |
There is a lot more information available here. But bear in mind that the data there is now seven years old and that the composition of the population changes much more rapidly than the housing stock does. Figures relating to children in 2011, for example, cannot be assumed to be even roughly correct for 2018.
Source: Office for National Statistics.