Minutes of the Fulking Parish Council Planning Meeting Held in the Village Hall, Fulking, On Wednesday 7th November at 6.30pm
Present: Kate Watson (Chair) Michael Trist( Vice Chair) Councillors Pam Rowland Linda Dyos and Andrea Dickson (Clerk). 7 members of the public were present.
Apologies for Absence: None
Declaration of interest: None
The minutes of the planning meetings held on 28th August and 31st October 2012 having been previously circulated, were agreed and signed.
The following application was discussed:-
SDNP/12/02329/FUL The Dales Poynings Road Fulking Henfield BN5 9NB
Replacement of existing single storey bungalow with new two storey house and single storey side extension with new detached garage. Regrading of existing landscape along front house perimeter.
No request to speak.
Currently there is 1 objection on the SPNP website.
The Parish Council visited the site on Sunday 4th November 2012
After a brief discussion the Parish Council unanimously agreed to object to the planning application on the following grounds The building would be overbearing and out of scale; Due to the change in position of the building it would be more visible from the Downs; That it is not in keeping with the neighbourhood; That agreeing to the application would set a precedent.
Meeting closed at 6.45 pm.
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