Bobservation 39: New Year Resolutions

Stylised balloons, tinsel and trumped things

  1. For some innate reason it seems unBritish to get a better deal via websites like Go-Compare but I was horrified to have my motor insurer offer me a renewal at 425%, yes 425%, of the previous year’s premium. Comparative offers from other insurers via the aforementioned website brought about a REDUCTION in premium of 20% !!. In a similar vein and having been with the same supplier of LPG for many years, I contacted ‘’ who make no charge and were very helpful in advising me where I could get a better deal.  After some elementary calculations I made a substantial saving on the litre price I was paying Accordingly, I advise you all to make a New Year’s resolution to take the trouble to use these and other similar websites when renewing contracts of any sort.
  2. We got quite a good turnout for the village Christmas Party on Friday December 8th and  had a very good evening thanks to everyone who helped with mulling, serving, bringing, pouring, washing, sweeping and putting away. Some new faces who we were delighted to see. Let us resolve to make next year’s party bigger and better.
  3. I have only recently heard that Mick Gaule had been in intensive care for several days. In wishing him a speedy recovery please resolve to notice how your neighbours are faring with health and other social matters. A helping hand is always appreciated in times of stress, illness  and misfortune.