Fulking Social Committee was formed by Jill Bremer in 1996 and since that date has been ably chaired by various villagers, most notably Jill herself and latterly by Jenny Tooley. The aim of the Committee is to raise money for village needs, and promote a spirit of togetherness in Fulking.The constitution is posted on the village website.
Amongst fundraising events the principal activity is the annual fair which, thanks to the generosity of Harry and Charmayne Diamond, has been held in Downside Meadow for the last five years. This year it will be held on Sunday 26 July and helpers are greatly appreciated and very much needed. The Annual General Meeting of the Committee is being held in the village hall at 8pm on Thursday 5 February and all villagers are welcome with the proviso that, if you come along with an idea you must be prepared to carry it out.
Any request for the disbursement of Social Committee funds is always sympathetically and sensibly considered by the Committee and if it is of benefit to the village as a whole the request is likely to be granted. The need to continue raising and retaining money will be justified should a contingency arise such as major treework in the North Town Field, major repairs to the village hall or an eventual replacement for the building.