Which party to support
On Saturday December 7th from 6 till 8pm all villagers and their families are invited to the annual Fulking Christmas party in the village hall.
Forget the election on December 12th, ignore all the other parties that are canvassing for your support and come along to enjoy mulled wine and other drinks, meet County and District councilors, other guests and bring a plate of savoury nibbles.
This event has been put together by members of the Social Committee and it would be good to think that politics and Brexit will be taboo for the evening. It is on occasions like this that we can all appreciate how fortunate we are to live in such an idyllic village.
It would be good to have as many teenagers as possible come along to meet up and perhaps have regular meetings in the form of a young peoples’ club. Oh! and I nearly forgot; we are going to have a raffle with exciting locally donated prizes so bring lots of dosh.