Blue Badge Scheme
Since the years overtook my ability to do anything useful I have found the Blue Badge Scheme so very helpful in allowing me to park a short distance from anywhere I wish to drive to (or be driven!). However these badges only last three years and renewing on the web-site is a nightmare for anyone less intelligent than Berners-Lee. This process is made incredibly simple by the marvellous staff at West Sussex County Council (01243 777653) who can renew over the telephone in certain cases.
Fulking Fair Second Attempt
The weather scuppered the intended event on 25 July and we will have another go on 8 August . A number of intended stalls have not been able to reschedule including National Trust. We still have a big RSPCA fun dog show as the centrepiece and amongst others Shepherd & Dog bar, Rushfields pies, BBQ, Hot dogs, DeLucas Ice cream (including a doggie one), Homemade cakes, Teas & Coffees, Children’s games, live music from Tenderhooks and many other interesting stalls. We still could use some willing hands if you can spare the time.