Sadly, Tony Brooks passed away on Sunday 17th October as the result of a stroke and after some 5 years of Alzheimers, the latter eighteen months of which were spent in a nursing home. He was 89.
His total involvement with Fulking was greater than any other villager in the thirty years I have been in Fulking. His advice and help was always available and his engineering background very useful.
Tony and Doris first came to Fulking in 1965 when they purchased the nursery garden at Hillbrook. Over the next 50 or so years he was involved, one way or another, with everything in the village. Having lived in a mobile home on site for 5 years he obtained planning permission to build a bungalow and proceeded to build it himself! The nursery closed in 1998.
Tony’s activities included being elected to the Parish Council and subsequently becoming Chair, and being a backbone of the village Social Committee. He was very active in the Village Hall Action Group improving and maintaining the village hall.
The author of a most comprehensive history ‘The changing Times of Fulking & Edburton 1900 to 2007’, which details the history of practically every house, the profit from which (several thousand pounds) he generously donated to the St Andrews restoration fund. Subsequently he wrote a Volume 2 covering 2007 to 2015. He also wrote a history of the Shepherd & Dog pub. Copies of these books may be available in due course for a donation to the Alzheimers Society.
While his death does not come as a shock it does bring back many memories of what, in these troubled times, seems to have been so satisfying.
The funeral will take place at the Downs Crematorium, Bear Road, Brighton on Thursday 4 November at 1pm.
Lastly, Doris we are thinking of you and send you all our love.