Bobservations are intended to ‘stir things up a bit’ as well as inform residents – here a comment on a recent observation-from-Bob, from Michael Trist, who knows a thing or two…
I was pleased to read Bobservation 47 (Village Demography), just as I am pleased to read all of the many and varied articles on this wonderful website. I am moved to respond, in support of Bob’s latest words, as I have ‘been there, done that’ with the Social Committee and its predecessors over the years.
I too have lived in Fulking for 26 years and observed similar trends in demography etc. I know what it’s like to juggle family life with little ones to care for (actually, just the one in my case), a career, and all the other many demands on our precious time. Before my health started to take unpredictable twists and turns some years ago, I did manage to somehow cram in some time to run things like the Barn Dances (anyone remember the wonderful ‘Moves Afoot’ band?) in the marquee in North Town Field, and help out wherever I could with the various incarnations of the Village Fair that have existed over the years.
Bob refers to Fulking as a More…