The next FPC Planning Meeting will be held on Wednesday 6th January 2016at 7.00pm in the Village Hall when the following planning application will be discussed:-
Notice of Planning Appeal against Refusal to grant planning consent and Notice of Planning Appeal against Enforcement Notice served
Planning Inspectorate Reference: APP/Y9507/W/15/3005938 & APP/Y9507/C/15/3062034
Planning Application Reference: SDNP/14/03055/FUL & SDNP/15/00071/OPDEV
SDNP/14/03055/FUL Land To The East Of Market Gardens, Clappers Lane, Fulking, West Sussex.
Description of Application: Change of use of land to private gypsy and traveller caravan site consisting of 2no. pitches each of which to contain 1no. mobile home, 1no. touring caravan and 1no. amenity building, including hardstanding and associated development.
Appeal against enforcement notice regarding the material change of use of the land from pasture to a mixed use of pasture and use for the stationing of 2 caravans occupied for residential purposes.
Site at: Land To The East Of Market Gardens, Clappers Lane, Fulking, West Sussex.
Members of the Public and Press are invited to attend. Members of the public are entitled to speak at the meeting.