Freedom Leisure and the Mid Sussex Wellbeing team have joined forces this month to offer health checks to local people in the form of some free Wellbeing MOTs.
February is National Heart month, a British Heart Foundation initiative that aims to raise awareness about the importance of looking after your heart. The Mid Sussex Wellbeing team is supporting this campaign by offering free Wellbeing MOTs.
At the Wellbeing MOTs, the team will take height and weight measurements before asking some simple questions about lifestyle. Everybody who takes part will receive a computerised printout that shows all the results, including BMI (Body Mass Index), metabolic age and even percentage body fat. After the check there will be an opportunity to discuss the results with a trained health adviser, who will provide personalised advice on how to lower the risk of future problems and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Wellbeing MOTs are available at the following locations:
Triangle Leisure Centre, Burgess Hill, Friday 15 February 2-6pm
Kings Leisure Centre, East Grinstead, Thursday 21 February 2-6pm
Dolphin Leisure Centre, Haywards Heath, Monday 25 February 1-5pm
All Wellbeing MOTs are by appointment only. To book a place call the Mid Sussex Wellbeing team on 01444 477191 or email
“We all lead such busy lives these days, it can sometimes be difficult to find the time to slow down and take stock of our health,” said Councillor Christopher Snowling, Cabinet Member for Health and Community. “Fortunately, with these Wellbeing MOTs it is possible to squeeze some quick health advice into even the busiest schedules.
“The MOT takes less than half an hour but it could make all the difference to your health. The checks can help to identify lifestyle risks to your health at an early stage before they go on to cause serious problems in the future.”
The Mid Sussex Wellbeing Team provides free advice and guidance on all aspects of health and wellbeing, including eating healthily, losing weight, giving up smoking, becoming more active, cutting down on drinking, managing stress and feeling happier. Residents can contact the team directly or visit the Mid Sussex Wellbeing website, which provides a ‘one stop shop’ for information and advice on physical and emotional health matters.