Fulking Parish Council will hold an Planning Meeting on Wednesday 6th November 2013 at 6.30pm in the Village Hall
Downside, Poynings Road,Fulking,Henfield,BN9 9NB
Renewal of current planning permission, proposed extension of front and side of existing main house. REF 10/03725/FUL 24th January 2011.
Full information available on the South Downs National Park Website – here
Pippins,Poynings road, Fulking, Henfield, BN5 9NB
Replace 2 x storage sheds with 1 x hay shed 1 x potting shed and 2 x sheep sheds for housing ewes at lambing time.
Full information available on the South Downs National Park Website – here
Chimney House, The Street, Fulking,Henfield BN5 9LU
Conifer (T1) remove completely as tree is too large and too close to neighboring property. Willow (T2) re-pollard due to re growth.
Full information available on the South Downs National Park Website – here
Knole House, Clappers Lane, Fulking, Henfield, BN5 9NH
Two storey side extension and roof conversion along with internal & external alterations.
Full information available on the South Downs National Park Website – here
Littledown Farm, Holmbush Lane, Woodmancote, Henfield, BN5 9TJ
Demolition and replacement of a single storey dwelling house to form a 1.5 storey 4 bed house including a detached garage and swimming pool buildings.
Full information available on the South Downs National Park Website – here
Members of the Public and Press are invited to attend.
Members of the public are entitled to speak at the meeting for two minutes, by prior arrangement with the Clerk Mrs. Andrea Dickson , tel 01444 451060 at least 1 hour before the meeting. No more than two speakers for each application and two against.
Andrea Dickson
Clerk to Fulking Parish Council
12 Turners Mill Road
Haywards Heath
West Sussex
RH16 1NN