Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting of Fulking Parish Council held Thursday 11th July 2024 at 7.30pm at Fulking Village Hall.
Chair: Cllr Mark Hind
Fulking Parish Council (FPC) Cllr Linda Comber, Cllr Lucy Metha & Cllr Karen Healy
There were two members of the public present.
The meeting started at 7.30pm.
24/039/OM. Apologies for Absence.
Apologies were received from Joy Dennis (WSCC), Geoff Zeidler (MSDC) and Tom Kardos (FPC)
24/040/OM. Declaration of Members’ Interests.
No interests declared.
24/041/OM. Approve the Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting of 11th April 2024 and Extraordinary Meeting held 15th May 2024.
Approval of Ordinary Meeting minutes proposed by Cllr Comber, seconded by Cllr Mehta, unanimously approved.
Approval of Extraordinary Meeting minutes proposed by Cllr Mehta, seconded Cllr Comber, unanimously approved.
24/042/OM. Matters Arising & Outstanding Actions To clarify and report on actions brought forward from the last meeting.
Village Signs – Cllr Comber advised the meeting that one sign had been repainted and erected. One sign, work was in progress, and the final sign is being removed by P W Beard and delivered to James Lighfoot for repainting.
TRO Poynings Road – The Clerk advised the meeting that there was agreement in principle for the TRO for West Sussex County Council and that a three-week public consultation was on the way before final agreement is confirmed.
Volunteering – Duke of Edinburgh participants had recently undertaken rubbish clearance in the village as part of the Award Scheme. Cllr Healy has agreed to contact DOE Scheme to offer similar volunteering exercises in the village.
North Town Field – Residents has raised the issue of long grass in NTF and the Clerk has been asked to clarify with Mark Stephens, how often the grass is cut.
24/043/OM. Reports from District and County Councillors.
By separate email Cllr Zeidler (MSDC) reports:
No policy activities are being considered until after the election, but continuing work has recently included updates to members on Claire Hall and Burgess Hill centre; and the expansion of on-street electrical charging points. The next District Council meeting is 24th July.
Officers have confirmed that the District Plan preparation continues on schedule, although awaiting for an Inspector to be allocated. MSDC have appointed a new AD Planning & Sustainable Environment.
At the District Planning Cttee the application at Naldrett’s farm was approved by 6 votes to 4 despite a motion to refuse; and the first Battery Storage application around Bolney sub-station was also approved by 5 votes with 3 abstentions. I have written to the Chair of the Committee to ask clarification as to why my request for the condition of an obligation around safety upgrades was not discussed.
Following examples of cases where Planning conditions and enforcement are not effective at protecting residents I am currently investigating a proposal to ensure limits on the impacts of a development outside the immediate footprint are clearly established; met and enforced for consideration once I understand the appropriate forum. I will keep you informed.
Southern Water made a presentation on progress and plans for £1m investment in remedial works for Sayers Common sewage which will result in roadworks between 28th July and the end of October. These should assist the foul water issues; but surface water management and gullies need to be managed in parallel by WSCC Highways. The residents are being co-ordinated in relation to ditch clearance by Steve White.
There has been a request for cameras to be put on the A2300 to reduce the incidence of “racing”.
I had confirmation that the Parks Strategy Action Plan was effectively adopted and progressing as planned with the “Tier 4” review underway and expected to report in the autumn. Officers believe that there is limited risk that s106 funding will become time-expired.
Further to the challenge of identifying funds to support Parishes and Community projects I met with MSVA and a note is attached separately. I would highlight that MSVA are arranging a “meet the funders” event at Haywards Heath Town Hall between 10-12 am on 4th July which I would encourage Parishes to attend. They have also identified a round of funding support for village halls – News: Grants of up to £75,000 return for village halls which can be used to cover up to 20% of capital costs associated with renovation and improvement projects. – ACRE.
I have now been certified as Carbon Literate (!) and am awaiting clarification as to how MSDC will support my pledge relating to Carbon Footprint calculators for households.
24/044/OM. RoSPA Playground Inspection
Councillors review the RoSPA annual inspection report on the Playground.
ACTION: Clerk to contact RoSPA for clarification that the monkey rings remained safe to play on as the report seems to include the former stepping logs frame in the monkey rings appraisal.
24/045/OM. Parish Plan
The first draft of the Parish Plan questionnaire has been emailed to the Council by Laura Heales of Action for Rural Sussex. Councillors agreed that some modification was still required and a meeting to review the survey in draft form will be convened after the summer holidays.
24/046/OM. Village Hall
Cllr Hind informed the meeting that the Rev Tim Harford had contacted him in regard to the proposed sale of Fulking Village Hall. This sale had been on hold for around 12 months. Cllr Hind advised that if £100,000 could be raised to include the purchase price, survey, legal costs and incidentals. On the advice of Action in Rural Sussex, a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) had been created to take ownership of the Hall. Councillors discussed the topic in detail including concerns that the Hall will need to generate sufficient income to cover the costs including insurance, electricity and maintenance. A meeting of the trustees had been arranged for Saturday 13th July 2024 and Cllr Hind would report further at the next meeting.
24/047/OM. Information Items. To receive information and items for the agenda at future meetings.
None received.
24/048/OM. Financial Matters. Adoption of Financial Regulations 2024
Councillors reviewed the Financial Regulations 2024 received previously by email from the Clerk and unanimously agreed to adopt them.
24/049/OM. Financial Matters. To receive the report on the Council’s income and to ratify expenditure from 11th April 2024 to 11th July 2024 being:
Sigma Payroll £28.45
Electricity £165.21
Village Signs £500.00
Parish Online £ 30.00
West Sussex ALC £100.83
ICO £ 35.00
Web Hosting £ 71.00
Clerk Salary £1,549.86
Clear – Insurance Premium £419.72
Village Sign Posts £996.00
RosPA Playground Report £117.60
Councillors reviewed the income and expenditure for the period and unanimously agreed to ratify all the payments made.
24/050/OM. To set a date for the next Ordinary Meeting for 17th October 2024.