Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting Fulking Parish Council held Thursday 2nd April 2020 at 7.30pm online.
Chairman: Cllr Firth
Fulking Parish Council (FPC): Cllrs Hind, Dyos, Healy and Leader
Mid Sussex District Council (MSDC): Cllr Alison Bennett
West Sussex County Council (WSCC): Cllr Joy Dennis
Parish Clerk: Trevor Parsons
There were no members of the public present. The meeting opened at 7.30pm.
20/019/OM. Apologies for Absence were received from:
Cllr Colin Trumble (MSDC) and Cllr Rodney Jackson (MSDC)
20/020/OM. Declaration of Members’ Interests.
There were no declarations of interest declared
20/021/OM. Approve the Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting of 9th January 2020 and Extraordinary (Planning) Meeting of 18th February 2020.
The minutes, subject to any amendments, were unanimously approved, and will be signed as a true record by the Chairman in due course.
20/022/OM. Matters Arising & Outstanding Actions To clarify and report on actions brought forward from the last meeting.
The Chairman acknowledged that Councillors energies were being directed at supporting the villagers during the national coronavirus outbreak.
Village Signs – Cllr Firth reported no progress so far.
Ram Pump – Cllr Hind to forward the information to the new SDNPA officer to move forward.
Yellow Lines – No progress
Bridlepath to Henfield – No progress
Visioning Exercise – No progress
Operation Watershed – Awaiting response from WSCC
Village Hall Lease – no progress
20/023/OM. Reports from District and County Councillors.
Cllr Joy Dennis reported
- Most of the County Council staff are now home-working
- WSCC has a statutory duty to support and maintain social care are children’s services
- District / Borough / Parish. WSCC are working closely with all authorities to support volunteer groups and advised the meeting that grants are available to support. A warehouse has been established north of the county to act as a central distribution point for local supplies.
- WSCC has worked hard with local NHS and social services to unblock beds. Cllr Dennis reported that they were able to unblock an additional 165 beds last Friday.
- Cllr Dennis advised the meeting that 11 of the 13 pot-hole filling gangs were still very active in West Sussex
- Highways – continuation of services in place where it is safe to do so.
- Household waste sites have been closed due to the poor, abusive behaviour of some members of the public towards employees of the sites. The disposal of clinical waste is the main priority fir the sites at this time.
Cllr Alison Bennett reported
- There is a new small grants scheme to support voluntary groups during the Covid-19 outbreak
- No kerb-side collection of large items.
20/024/OM. To consider the establishment of a voluntary register of vulnerable residents
Cllr Hind reported that no-one has approached the Parish Council to register themselves as vulnerable
Cllr Hind also reported that community groups to support residents include WhatsApp, Facebook and the Mailing list are working well.
Cllr Firth reported that Henfield shops, Budgen and Swains well stocked, Weekly Truffles local delivery at Shepherd & Dog was well supported. Local high streets and farms shops are seeing an upturn in sales.
20/025/PM. To consider the adoption of a grant awarding policy
The new policy brought to the meeting by the clerk was discussed and supported. Cllr Firth proposed it’s adoption, Cllr Dyos seconded and the vote was unanimous to adopt the grant awarding policy
20/026/OM. Planning Applications Update.
Reference | Name | Application Details | FPC Decision | SDNPA Decision |
SDNP/20/00159/FUL | Knole House | Demolition and replacement of 2 storey house | 18/02/19 Unanimously in favour |
Application in progress |
SDNP/20/00670/HOUS | Perching Sands Farmhouse | Erection of single storey garden studio | 2/2/20 | |
SDNP/20/0049/HOUS | 7 Clappers Lane | Extension to outhouse | 2/2/20 | |
SDNP/20/01347/HOUS | Perching Holt | Extension and alteration to outdoor space | tbc |
20/027/PM. Planning Applications.
- SDNP/20/00670/HOUS Erection of a single storey garden studio, with bathroom and kitchenette for use as a children’s den.
Perching Sands Farmhouse Edburton Road Fulking BN5 9LS
It was noted that:
a.In the absence of a site block location plan we must object to the application until the correct form is submitted.
b. The children’s garden room design is out of keeping for the location, out of proportion for a playroom and insensitive to the environment. It appears to be out of direct sight to the house.
c. Cllrs acknowledged a lack of holiday let accommodation in the village and if this is the intention of the applicant then submission of such a dwelling of good design would be welcomed.
The council voted unanimously against the application.
- SDNP/20/00649/HOUS Extension linking main house to outhouse.
7 Clappers Lane Fulking BN5 9ND
It was noted that:
Cllrs voted unanimously in favour.
20/028/OM. Reports from Outside Bodies.
It was reported to the meeting that the playground is now closed due to Covid-19 outbreak and that inspections of the equipment to re-start once playgrounds are permitted to re-open. North Town Field is currently open to the public if government advice regarding social distancing is observed.
20/029/OM. Inter Parish Group Update
Cllr Joy Dennis mentioned that parishes were looking for a deferment in any decision due to Covid-19 outbreak however at this time Horsham DC are duty bound to continue the process.
Cllrs raised their concern about the Horsham DC website process to appeal against the Mayfield development. It was overcomplicated and very difficult to navigate.
Cllrs praised the work of Lambs, IPC and Henfield Council have done good work in leading the appeal against the development. Cllr Healy to contact IPC to find out how Fulking Parish Council can make its financial contribution to the fund.
20/030/OM. Information Items. To receive information and items for the agenda at future meetings.
The Chairman confirmed that the Annual Meeting of the Parish has been cancelled.
NALC Has subsequently confirmed that the re-election of Officers has been postponed until 2021.
20/031/OM. Correspondence. To discuss correspondence and respond to correspondence received.
There was no correspondence received.
20/032/OM. Financial Matters. To receive the report on the Council’s income and to approve future expenditure.
The clerk reported to the meeting that an internal auditor had been appointed and that year-end accounts will be submitted in due course.
20/033/OM. To set a date of the next Ordinary Meeting: Thursday 2nd July 2020