Planning Meeting 23rd April 2019

front elevation

Invitation to Planning Meeting 

You are hereby cordially invited to attend a planning meeting of the Fulking Parish Council to be held at 7:00pm, on Tuesday 23rd April 2019 at the Village Hall, Fulking.

To discuss the following planning application: 

SDNP/19/01691/HOUS  2 storey side extension, single storey rear/side extension, front porch at 2 Paythorne Farm Cottages Edburton Road Fulking BN5 9LP 

Members of the Press & Public are welcome to attend. 

By prior appointment with the Chairman, a maximum of 2 people may speak for up to 5 minutes each in favour, and a maximum of 2 people may also speak for up to 5 minutes each against the applications. 

Trevor Parsons
ClerkFulking Parish Council 

Tel: 07767 422733 
