A planning meeting of the Fulking Parish Council will be held at 6.30pm on Wednesday 25th October 2017 at the Village Hall, The Street, Fulking, to discuss the following planning applications:
SDNP/17/05246/HOUS – Hillbrook, Clappers Lane, Fulking. BN5 9NH
Demolition of the existing garage and attached lean-to storage outbuilding. Construction of a detached garage building with associated hard and soft landscaping works
(Option 1)
SDNP/17/05247/HOUS Hillbrook, Clappers Lane Fulking BN5 9NH
Demolition of the existing garage and attached lean-to storage outbuilding. Construction of a detached garage building with associated hard and soft landscaping works
(Option 2)
Members of the Press & Public are welcome to attend.
By prior appointment with the Parish Clerk, a maximum of 2 people may speak for up to 5 minutes each in favour, and a maximum of 2 people may also speak for up to 5 minutes each against the application. Once the meeting is in session there will be no further public participation.
Derek Blackhall
Clerk to Fulking Parish Council
01273 846186
22 Kymer Gardens, Hassocks, West Sussex. BN6 8QZ