Midi tower containing Intel Pentium Core2Duo 6400, 2GB RAM, 40GB hard disk, DVDROM drive, audio & two USB sockets at front, audio & six USB sockets at rear, ethernet, serial, parallel, and a M-ATX motherboard with three free PCI sockets. Supplied with UK keyboard and matching optical mouse but no monitor: any old monitor with a VGA connector will do and, if you have read this far, then you probably have one in the loft. Linux (Ubuntu 14.10) with Firefox, Chromium, Opera, Thunderbird and LibreOffice is preinstalled. Not suitable for bitcoin mining, video editing or serious games but entirely adequate for reading email, browsing the web, cropping photos, and doing office chores.
If you live in Edburton, Fulking or Poynings and you have a use for this machine, email hdr22 [at-symbol] fulking [period] org to arrange for delivery.