Please help save our Village Hall
Public Meeting 10am Saturday 4th December 2021
You are all invited to attend a meeting being held in the Village Hall to discuss the future of this important community asset. As you may be aware the hall is owned by the Church but is currently managed under an informal arrangement by the Village Hall Action Group (VHAG). The Parish Council for some time has been keen to formalise an arrangement with the Church to secure the hall for use by the community.
Earlier this year the Church was considering the future of the hall and following close dialogue between the Church, the Parish Council and representatives of VHAG all parties are keen that we protect this asset for use by the community and secure it for future generations.
At the meeting we will share and discuss more details of our plan which is to create a Fulking Village Hall Trust and for them to purchase the land and hall from the Church.
Do please come along.
Mark Hind – Chairman Fulking Parish Council
Reverend Tim Harford – Rector Mid Downland Parish
Please note in order to minimise the risk of Covid-19 we are asking all attendees to wear masks whilst in the hall and to wear warm clothing as the windows and doors will be open for ventilation.