Village Notice Boards

Bus shelter board
Fulking now has two new open access* notice boards located in the centre of the village. One is in the bus shelter and the other is inside the Village Hall to the immediate right of the main entrance door. Anyone can post anything on either board (or both). There are some common sense rules: the two that matter most are a size restriction to A4 or smaller, and a requirement that a posting or event date appear on the front of each item.

Village Hall notice board

*These are in addition to the four notice boards that already exist in the village. Three are not open access since they are contained in locked glass-fronted cases. Two of them are in The Street outside the chapel, one for Fulking Parish Council business and the other for St. Andrew’s Parochial Parish Council matters. The third one is privately owned and can be found halfway up Clappers Lane at the entrance to Badgers Pond. There is a fourth small glass-fronted board for safety notices in the Village Hall, currently unlocked.