It’s what you have all been waiting for — following four sell-out years of panto fun at Poynings, the people of Poynings return in the New Year with the magical, magnificent tale of Beauty & The Beast. Join us for an exciting love story which will tickle your French fancy! This spectacular show has all the elements you’d expect from a traditional pantomime with loads of silliness to boot! Come and see the story unfold!
- Friday 13th January 8:00pm, all tickets £8 Refreshments available to include a glass of wine
- Saturday 14th January 3:00pm, adults £8, under-12s £3
- Saturday 14th January 8:00pm, all tickets £8 Refreshments available to include a glass of wine
- Sunday 15th January 3:00pm, adults £8, under-12s £3
Get your tickets by clicking on the image above or call in at the Royal Oak in Poynings, the best bargain of 2017. The tickets will be emailed to you. It is not automated so will not happen immediately, the Beast has large hooves and tends to chew the keyboard so it may take him a while to send them. The tickets do not reserve seats, first come first seated.