In the Village Hall on Friday 8th December 2023.
All welcome from 6:30pm for mulled wine, mince pies and merriment. Entry free but please bring a dish of savoury finger food for sharing.
In the Village Hall on Friday 8th December 2023.
All welcome from 6:30pm for mulled wine, mince pies and merriment. Entry free but please bring a dish of savoury finger food for sharing.
In the Village Hall on Friday 2nd December.
Childred from 6:30pm for Father Chirstmas – please let Sally Brownie know if your chidren are visiting so Father Chirstmas can bring enough presents.
All welcome from 7pm for mulled wine, mince pies and merriment. Entry free but please bring a dish of savoury finger food for sharing.
Come and join us at
Perching Manor Farm,
Edburton Road, Fulking, BN5 9LR
Sunday 12th June 11am to 3pm
Tractor and trailer rides.
Farm machinery display.
Sheepdog display.
Learn about beekeeping and wild birds on the farm.
BBQ and refreshments, bring a picnic rug and enjoy the lovely scenery.
Forest school activities for the children and much more…
Free entry but please register at
Email Angela,
LEAF Open Farm Sunday is managed by LEAF (Linking Enviroment And Farming). Charity no 1045781
SDNPA Chief Executive Trevor Beattie claims that “there are already signs that the lock-down has reinvigorated many people’s love of nature”, presumably analogous to the way in which going on the wagon reinvigorates a love of alcohol. He will surely be lobbying for regular lock-downs in future years. There’s a link (to a link (to a link ..)) to “a detailed map [that] has been created for people to find food, drink and other support services close to where they live” which turns out to be every bit as dire as earlier food-related cartographic efforts by the SDNPA (The South Downs Sahara in 2015, and The South Downs Sahara (update) in 2017). Food is unobtainable in Steyning, apparently.
On the positive side, page 10 features a photo of David Ellin and Annie Brown, though they are not quoted or identified, and page 12 advertises a 3-part Facebook video instruction series by an ‘animal behaviourist’ on walking the dog (the animal, not the Rufus Thomas song).