Category Archives: Steyning
MSDC car park charges suspended
This may be relevant to you if you are planning a trip to East Grinstead or Haywards Heath but not if you are about to undertake an emergency supplies mission to Henfield or Steyning (which are both HDC, not MSDC).
Addendum: HDC has in fact suspended parking charges in all HDC owned car parks “to help Horsham residents” (??). This arrangement will be in place until 22nd April 2020 and will then be reviewed. More here.
From Sussex Oxen to Fordson Major
Ian Everest talks to the Steyning History Society on Wednesday November 13th at 7:45pm in the Saxon Room, Steyning Centre.
Ian presented an earlier version of this talk in Upper Beeding four years ago. He was brought up on one of the farms he discusses and he really knows his stuff. In addition, he is an excellent speaker with well organized material.