Hats off to Central Government for proposing that District Councils should extend the ‘bedroom tax’ to private properties and raise additional Council Tax by imposing an extra band to cover unoccupied bedrooms in properties rated at bands F and above.
I understand that the amendment will not take place until 1st October 2017 and Council Tax bills will be amended as necessary on that date. The sums raised will be earmarked for the improvement of social care for patients leaving hospital and this should in turn relieve the pressure on hospitals by freeing-up bed space.
It is proposed that the necessary information regarding what bedrooms are or are not occupied will be by written submission from the immediate neighbours, who will be invited to disclose the necessary details to the District Council in the strictest confidence. I suppose there will be some who may consider this a ‘snoopers’ involvement but fair minded villagers will realise what an important step this will be to relieve pressure on the NHS.