Parish Councillors are elected by villagers, on the Register of Electors, every four years. The next election will be in May 2020.
There are five councillors of whom any three may create a quorum for a meeting. On election the councillors appoint a Chair and a Vice-Chair. If a councillor resigns the remaining councillors appoint a councillor for the remainder of the term. At the end of the term all councillors resign but may offer themselves for re-election.
Standing Orders guide councillors on what they may and may not do. Interpretations vary but, in my opinion, it is anticipated that councillors will attend four meetings each year on the second Thursday of January, April, July and October as well as the Annual Parish meeting in May.
Planning meetings are held as soon as possible after the notification of a relevant application and councillors, the opinion of the Parish Council is then submitted to South Downs National Park.
The last, but not least, member of the team is the Parish Clerk who is a salaried employee, is in control of its working and is there to advise and ensure that the law is complied with and the Standing Orders enacted.
A Parish councillor is a voluntary post, is non political and unpaid. This is the primary level of the Democratic process and should be treasured as such. The next elected levels are District Council (Mid Sussex District Council), County Council (West Sussex County Council) and Parliament, these latter three being political and in various degrees remunerated.
I do implore you to consider standing as a Parish Councillor. Although maddening at times, there is a great deal of satisfaction in knowing you have done your bit for the Parish and you will get to know a great deal about the village.
Currently we are being very well served by Miles (an exceptional Chair), Mark, Linda, Michael and our latest recruit Karen. So far as I can remember villagers who ‘have done their bit!’ and are still living in Fulking are Bob, Carolyn, Dave, Jen G, Jen P, Margaret, Mick, Pam, Paula(Clerk), Richard and Sheena.
Lastly, for your diary the Fair on Sunday 29 July will now include an Allsorts Dog Rescue Fun Dog Show , Shoreham Allstars music, Marta Scott dancers, Pony Rides, Punjabi Street Food, Owls about town, Blooming Good Nursery as well as all the old favourites. Updates will be incorporated into ‘Fulking Fair’ on the village web site.