Parish Council Meeting
The recent Parish Council meeting gave rise to two somewhat concerning decisions. The first was an admission by one of our District Councillors that nothing could be done to prevent the demise through neglect of two or possibly three houses in Stammers Hill even though the neighbouring properties were being adversely affected. What a strange world we live in where thousands are desperately seeking a permanent home and yet existing properties are allowed to fall into disrepair. Surely simple legislation could be enacted to penalise the owner of an empty property, possibly even to the extent of compulsory purchase, to prevent this happening. Stop Press!! I am now told by a neighbour of one of the properties concerned that refurbishment of a property is under way. Let us hope it succeeds.
The second decision was a planning application to add rooms to an existing building that has only quite recently changed hands. Why cannot people buy the right size of property in the first place rather than further reducing the existing stock of village housing of smaller properties? I thought the somewhat casual manner in which the Parish Council endorsed the application should have considered the effect these applications have on increasing the size of properties in the village and reducing the possibility of the relatively less wealthy becoming freeholders.
In addition to this the totally ineffective South Downs National Park planners have recently granted permission for a sizeable extension to another village property.
Downland Calendar 2019
By the time you read this the launch of the Downland Calendar will probably have taken place. Jen and Richard have put a great deal of time and effort into this and at £7 it is a steal. Do please buy one of these stunning calendars for as many friends and family as you can. Proceeds are towards the refurbishment of the village hall.
Christmas Party
Do make a big effort to come to this year’s Christmas party in the village hall, 6 till 8pm on Saturday December 8, and make it a big success. Children are welcome and we will be having mulled wine as well as the usual drinks. Entrance is free but please bring a plate of savoury nibbles.