Bobservation No. 64: New Year Resolutions

New Year Resolutions
The election is history and it is time to direct our energies to Climate Change and the Ecology. What is there that we as a village and as individuals can do about it? By changing our current lifestyles there are many things we can do to support and encourage the international stand taken by the youth of the world (Governments seem to be dragging their heels). Let us all try to make 2020 a cheerful, good and neighbourly year. New arrivals in the village have increased the input of ideas and I urge you to join in with us. The Annual General Meeting of the Fulking Social Committee will be held in the village hall on Friday 31 January at 7.30pm. Amongst matters on the agenda will be the election of officers and the annual Fulking Fair on Sunday 26 July 2020. Can I suggest a separate village meeting to discuss Climate Change and the Ecology?

Now here’s a resolution we can all fulfil… Let’s resolve to bring our bins in promptly once they’ve been emptied and smarten up our roads and lanes!

Christmas Party
What a successful Christmas party we had in the village hall on Saturday 7 December! Guests included the leader of Mid Sussex District Council, Colin Trumble, West Sussex Councillor Joy Dennis and Rev Tim Harford. Great decorations by Lee, very drinkable mulled wine created by Jen  assisted by Carolyn and an excellent raffle operated by Sheena & Michael. Our sincere thanks to raffle prize donors Camilla & Roly, Coles Auto, Rushfields, Shepherd & Dog, Springs, Swains and villagers.