Bobservation No.79: Churches

St Andrews Church - Edburton
Downland Churches Re-allocation
Churchgoers will have noticed a reduction in the number of attendees at services. I understand that the Government, in its eternal wisdom or possibly lack of it, is proposing that a large number of rural churches are to have their use re-allocated. The detail, so far as the Downland churches are concerned, means that St John the Evangelist, Newtimber will continue as a Church of England place of worship; St Andrews, Edburton will be given over to an Islamic Mosque; Holy Trinity, Poynings will be a Masonic Temple and The Church of the Transfiguration, Pyecombe will be the new Downland humanist meeting point. Regrettably there is no known procedure to alter these re-allocations, which have been governed by the pandemic and a need to raise income for the Benefice of Chichester. It has been suggested that, within the current Covid restrictions, the intended day of re-allocation, Sunday 25 July 2021, be treated as a local day of celebration and food and entertainment be provided at a venue to be decided in Fulking. The RSPCA have offered to hold a dog show there on that date.  1.4.21

Our Lurcher bitch, Lola, passed away on 18 March and I cannot tell you what a big void this has created in our lives. She was a stray from Allsorts Dog Rescue when we were lucky enough to rehome her 11 years ago and since then had become an important member of the family. When she was younger she was a joy to watch gliding across the Downs and playing with other dogs. She was a great hunter. Recently she had aged a lot and we were not overly surprised to see her go. Only dog owners will appreciate how great the loss can be. We will be looking for a replacement for her and would appreciate anyone hearing of a bitch that needs a new home to get in touch on 271. It has been very touching how many locals have offered sympathy and help. Our thanks to all of you.

The really wet winter means that bluebells at Furzefield should be good this year and we would be delighted to have villagers have a wander round, from probably the last week in April. No dogs and children under strict control! Give us a ring on 271 if you are interested so we can comply with whatever Covid 19 restrictions are in place. Generally easy to see how they are coming on from Clappers Lane as you are passing.