Bobservation No. 80: Village Hall and Fair

View of Chapel with Village Hall behind during FairFulking Fair 2021
To organise the fair means starting early in the year to contact possible stallholders and food outfits before they get booked up. I find this a very absorbing hobby and am very happy to do it. I am given to understand there may be villagers who object to the fair taking place this year due to the influx of possible carriers of the Corona virus. I must assure them, and indeed everybody, that whatever the Governmental regulations, regarding the pandemic, are they will be strictly adhered to. As ever any helping hands are always welcome. If you would like to join in please contact me by phone at 271 or email to

Village Hall
The future of the village hall, which has been the centre of Fulking social events for well over a century, is apparently back on the agenda of village life. Whilst the freehold of this interesting building seems to be in the hands of the Parochial Church Committee (PCC), it has been made available to the village by means of a leasing agreement in recent years. I do appeal to the PCC to consider the effect on Fulking if this availability were to terminate, take note of the strength of feeling in the village about the hall and be generous in whatever suggestions they may make for the future of this vital social asset.