Fulking Parish Council will hold a Planning Meeting on Wednesday 16th April 2014 at 6.30pm in the Village Hall to consider the following planning applications:
SDNP/14/01601/FUL Timbers, Clappers Lane, Fulking, Henfield BN5 9NJ
Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of new 5 bedroom house.
Full information available on the South Downs National Park website — here.
SDNP/14/01350/TCA Shepherd and Dog Inn, The Street, Fulking, Henfield BN5 9LU
- Remove dead limbs and tidy up the two large ash trees in this section, because of risk to people sitting beneath and to improve the quality of this area. Coppice the hazel and lower shrubs along field bank to improve views across the South Downs. Clear the stream side border adjoining car park and replant with more suitable/inviting plants.
- Remove dead wood from large ash tree for safety reasons. Remove 50% of cherry saplings surrounding the base of said large ash.
- Lower trees/shrubs along the far bank of the stream to enhance the quality of the views of the South Downs and to generally tidy this whole area up. Thin the crowns of the trees surrounding the child’s play area to allow more natural light through.
- Would like to scrub clear this whole area and remove mixed tree saplings to allow some to become mature stand alone trees. This area is overgrown and not too pleasing to the eye in its surroundings.
- Would like to clear the front of the bank to the rear of the public house, some of the vegetation is starting to touch the roof of this grade two listed building and would like to remove it before it becomes more do an issue. These works would also improve access behind the building.
Full information available on the South Downs National Park website — here.
Members of the press and public are invited to attend. Members of the public are entitled to speak at the meeting for two minutes, by prior arrangement with the Clerk at least 1 hour before the meeting. No more than two speakers for each application and two against.
Andrea Dickson, Clerk to Fulking Parish Council
01444 451 060 / andreadicksonfpc@gmail.com