Bob Rowland writes:-
The 2016 Fulking Fair and Fun Day, in its new venue, proved to be highly successful. In particular the villagers’ stalls along the Street on the way from car parking in Downside Meadow to The North Town Field were reckoned to be a great addition and so were the teas and cakes in the village hall.
A good variety of stalls displaying country crafts, tractors ,beverages and food were on show and the childrens’ games included the ever appreciated ‘Stocks’ for dads to get a soaking and the new addition of Bubble Pop which was a tremendous success.
Needless to say the new format gave rise to problems particularly with food and drink in the field but these will be improved to our usual standard by next year. Having said this the French Revolution Crepes wagon did sterling work.
Thanks so much to all the villagers who participated and to the stallholders and visitors who came. See you in 2017!
Click here for a selection of photos from Fulking Fair 2016
If you have any other photographs of this year’s fair that you would like to share then please email them to