The Mid Sussex Times reports:
Mayfield has stated that Horsham District Council (HDC) ‘does not have a full and proper understanding of the full objectively assessed need of the Housing Market Area’. Concern was raised by Mayfield about HDC’s ‘compliance with the legal test for the Duty to Co-operate’. The report states: ‘There is no publicly available evidence base which shows how meaningful engagement has taken place with neighbouring authorities in a continuous fashion prior to submission of the report.’ In addition, Mayfield raises issues with HDC, claiming it has ‘failed to calculate housing requirements’, ‘failed to allocate sufficient housing land’, ‘failed to allocate sufficient employment land’ and ‘absence of an effective Environmental Capacity Assessment’.
Update: the West Sussex County Times also has a report [PDF].
Update 27th July: LAMBS now has a post up on their website. Their main illustration is a Mayfield sewage map [PDF].