The Mineral Sites Study [PDF] is a recently published document deriving from the joint SDNPA/WSCC exercise known as the Minerals Local Plan. Despite four pages devoted to a potential seventy acre gravel pit on a greenfield site in Woodmancote*, there is little in it to interest a resident of Fulking or Edburton. The one possible exception is a five page section [PDF] devoted to Shoreham Cement Works. There’s a lot of chalk left, apparently, and a planning permission for further extraction that runs until 2042, a fact that appears to have come as an unwelcome surprise to the current generation of planners (as it may to future generations of the ‘rare breeding birds’ who have made the site their home). If you feel inclined to respond to the study, then WSCC provide a form here.
*Not our northern neighbour but a different village, located to the west of Chichester.