Extraordinary meeting of Fulking Parish Council held on Monday 18th March 2019 at 8.00pm, at The Village Hall, Fulking
Present: Councillor Miles Firth (Chairman), Councillors Karen Healey, Mark Hind and Linda Dyos.
There were no members of the public present. Prior to the meeting, no members of the public had requested to speak.
The meeting opened at 8.05 pm.
1 Apologies: Councillor Michael Trist.
2 Declarations of interest: all councillors present confirmed that they had no interests to declare in the matters to be discussed at the meeting.
3 Approve the Minutes of the January Ordinary Meeting and the Knole House Planning Meeting. The minutes were approved by the meeting and signed by the Chairman as a true record of the meetings.
4 Planning Matters: To comment on planning applications received from South Downs National Park being SDNP/19/00908/HOUS Single storey pool house with games room and shower/changing facilities. Timber framed carport structure at Downside Poynings Road Fulking BN5 9NB
It was noted that:
1 With reference to the emerging Development Management Policy SD31: Extensions to existing dwellings, and provision of annexes and outbuildings, it is unclear from the documents whether the proposal does or does not increase the floorspace of the existing dwelling by more than 30%.
2 The Community Infrastructure Levy form is incomplete.
3 The original approval of 2nd May 2018 SDNP/18/01201/HOUS the existing garage has been demolished to ensure that development does not spread excessively across the site, which would be harmful to the appearance and character of the site and area. Concern was raised at our meeting that these additions may contravene the spirit of Item 4 of the approval 2nd May 2018.
The resulting vote was one negative and three neutral. The meeting closed at 8.41 pm.