Minutes of the Fulking Parish Council Planning Meeting held in the Village Hall, Fulking on Thursday 19th July 2018 at 7.30pm (Draft)
Chairman: Cllr Firth
Councillors: Cllrs Hind, Healey, Dyos and Trist
Clerk: Trevor Parsons
No apologies for absence as all councillors were present.
One member of the public was present
Declarations of interest: Cllr Firth took no part in the meeting as his views have been separately sought by SDNPA as a close neighbour, therefore Cllr Hind, as vice chairman, took the Chair.
Meeting opened at 7.30 pm
Prior to the meeting, there were no requests by members of the public to speak.
The following matters were discussed:
Barn Cottage, Poynings Road, Fulking BN5 9NB
SDNP/18/03314/HOUS: Extension and re-modelling of existing house
It was noted that:
The SDNPA website was down today so a set of documents were emailed to the Council so that councillors and public could view the application documents on the overhead projector.
There was no design statement.
Cllr asked if a heritage statement was available however councillors believed that no heritage statement was provided.
The calibrated online measurement of the existing elevation shows 5950mm not 6368mm therefore new roof height will be nearly 0.8m higher, not the 0.4m indicated in the plans, which was a serious concern.
The new northwest wing being proposed, as visible on the east / west elevation drawing, would dominate the appearance of the building and will be much more prominent from the Poynings (westerly) direction than the existing building
The resulting vote on this application was unanimously AGAINST
The meeting closed at 8:07pm