Fulking Parish Council
Planning Minutes
Date of Meeting: 26th March 2018
Present: Councillor Miles Firth (chairman), Councillors Karen Healey, Mark Hind and Michael Trist.
Apologies: Councillor Linda Dyos.
One member of the public was present: Trevor Parsons, Clerk to the Council (designate).
Declarations of interest: all councillors present confirmed that they had no interests to declare in the matters to be discussed at the meeting.
The meeting opened at 7.40 pm.
Prior to the meeting, no members of the public had requested to speak.
The following application was discussed.
Planning reference: SDNP/18/01201/HOUS
Downside, Poynings Road, Fulking BN5 9NB
New single storey living room extension to replace existing UPVc conservatory; demolition of existing garage; installation of new timber framed casement windows; first floor extension to rear and reconstruction of existing outdoor swimming pool.
The following points were discussed by the councillors:
1) There had been one letter of objection lodged on the SDNPA planning portal, from a neighbour of Downside. Following this, the objector has been in discussion with the applicant, and reached agreement that a window on a new portion of the eastern elevation (which would have overlooked the garden of the objector’s property) would be removed in an amended set of plans. This new plan has now been submitted on the SDNPA website, and as a result the objector has now lodged a second letter on to the SDNPA portal, stating that he withdraws his original objection and now supports the application.
2) It appears that the application would produce a more symmetrical appearance to the front (south elevation) of the property, which had been added to in a somewhat piecemeal fashion in the past.
3) When examined, it would seem that the proposed works would involve a substantial redevelopment of the property. This comment was added to by the observation that there is a 12% nett increase in total floor area (including the area lost by the demolition of one of the garages) : Existing area = 410 m2 downstairs, 187 m2 upstairs; proposed 389 m2 downstairs, 278 m2 upstairs.
4) There was a discussion regarding construction vehicles, deliveries of materials etc, which could be significant in number. It was considered that the width of the road (and its verge) at the location of Downside and the ample amount of room on the drive of the property would mitigate most if not all of the effects of this matter.
5) It was agreed that when the proposed works are finished this would improve the view of the property from the road.
The resulting vote on this application was unanimously to support this application.
The meeting closed at 8.10 pm.