Planning Meeting – Village Hall, 26th March, 7.40pm

Invitation to Planning Meeting

You are hereby cordially invited to attend a planning meeting of the Fulking Parish Council to be held at 7:40pm, on Monday 26th March 2018 at the Village Hall, The Street, Fulking. To discuss the following planning application:

New single storey living room extension to replace existing UPVc conservatory; demolition of existing garage; installation of new timber framed casement windows; first floor extension to rear and reconstruction of existing outdoor swimming pool.
Downside, Poynings Road, Fulking. BN5 9NB

Members of the Press & Public are welcome to attend.

By prior appointment with the Chairman, a maximum of 2 people may speak for up to 5 minutes each in favour, and a maximum of 2 people may also speak for up to 5 minutes each against the applications.

Miles Firth
Chairman, Fulking Parish Council

Conifer House, The Street, Fulking, Henfield, BN5 9LT, West Sussex
01273 857508