Minutes of the Fulking Parish Council Planning Meeting
Held in the Village Hall, Fulking on Thursday 8th February 2018 at 6.30pm
Present: Miles Firth (Chairman), Councillors: Linda Dyos, Mark Hind, Karen Healey
Apologies for Absence: Michael Trist.
No members of the public were present
Declarations of interest: None
Meeting opened at 6.30 pm
Prior to the meeting, there were no requests by members of the public to speak.
The following matters were discussed:
Reference: SDNP/18/00218/HOUS
Perching Farm Cottage Perching Manor Farm, Edburton Road, Fulking Brighton, West Sussex BN5 9LR
Conversion of car port to bedroom and farm office
It was noted that:
- The applicants had received advice to reduce the scope a previous application covering the same footprint
- The walls would be ‘timber clad’ and the windows ‘as existing’ in the application form – a more detailed material specification on the drawing would be helpful.
- A design statement was not submitted.
The resulting vote on this application was unanimously NEUTRAL.
The meeting closed at 6:50pm