Extraordinary meeting of Fulking Parish Council Tuesday 25th June 2019 at 7.30pm, at The Village Hall, Fulking
Present: Councillors Miles Firth (Chairman), Mark Hind, (Vice Chairman), Karen Healey, Linda Dyos and Samantha Leader.
Four members of the public were present. Prior to the meeting, two members of the public requested to speak against the application.
The meeting opened at 7:30 pm.
- Apologies: Clerk, Trevor Parsons.
- Declarations of interest: all councillors present confirmed that they had no interests to declare in the matters to be discussed at the meeting.
- Planning Matters: To comment on planning application received from South Downs National Park being SDNP/19/02644/HOUS. Single storey kitchen extension to rear of the house, with roof lantern, additional window and raised patio extending from the kitchen. 35 Clappers Lane Fulking BN5 9ND
It was noted that:
- This application has scope for further modification and fine tuning, particularly in view of the objections raised by the neighbour. It was suggested that further discussion could lead to relatively minor modifications and compromise. Examples cited were the new north facing window, the skylight and overall height of the extension building and its patio.
- It is understood that previous extensions were added on 2006 and 2009, so it appears that this application may contravene SD31 1a) ‘extensions greater than 30%’, based on Extensions and Replacement Dwellings Technical Advice Note of May 2019, where the datum is given as of 18th Dec 2002. As a single application the percentage is within guidelines.
The Council would defer to SDNPA planning on how this applies in this case. - The Council was concerned about the loss of light and privacy as a result of the new window and height of the patio which appears to conflict with SD31 1c). However, the extent of loss was not determined.
The Councillors vote was unanimously NEUTRAL and the meeting closed at 8:15 pm.