Minutes of the Fulking Parish Council Planning Meeting held in the Village Hall, Fulking on Wednesday 3rd October 2018 at 7pm.
Present: Chairman Councillor Firth, Cllrs Hind, Healy and Dyos. Clerk, Trevor Parsons
Apologies: Cllr Trist who attended as a resident.
One member of the public was present.
Declaration of interest: Cllr Trist took no part in the meeting in an official capacity but only as a resident.
Meeting opened at 7pm.
Prior to the meeting there was one request received from a member of the public to speak against the application.
The following matter was discussed. SDNP/18/04676/HOUS Elmside, Edburton Road, Fulking BN5 9LR. Glazed link and extension of outbuilding.
The meeting opened with a statement from the member of public objecting to the application.
It was noted that (in reference to the South Downs Plan):
The site has been subject to a number of developments and the current application which concerns connecting the existing extensions to the main house could be considered as adding to the floor area of the main accommodation. If this were the case this would add an estimated 45% to the floor area which would appear to contravene SD45E (replacement dwellings and extensions). While the character of the original farm workers cottage will be further compromised (SD45B).
There is concern that by linking these outhouses to the main building there is potential for change of use to accommodation in the future. This is likely to also conflict with SD45E.
The glazed link would be visible from the road and Downs and likely to result in increased light spill (SD9B and SD9C – Dark Night Skies). Furthermore, concern was raised about the possibility of bird strikes.
The neighbours object to this application and have stated that this will result in a further reduction of their amenities which appears to conflict with SD6 (design strategy).
The resulting vote on this application was unanimously AGAINST.
The meeting closed at 7.18pm.