Please report all non-urgent Neighbourhood Watch problems promptly to Sussex Police on 101 (15p per call). If you don’t report problems, the Police can’t tackle them! Log the incident reference number, plus date, that the Police will give you.
However – ‘Crime in Progress’ (even if it seems minor) call 999 – the staff are trained to check all the details with you, and also to decide how urgently a police/ fire/ ambulance response is required. If you are deaf, or speech impaired, you can text a mobile phone message describing the problem to 65999.
Our Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) is Anika Clough, who also covers Poynings, Pyecombe, etc. She can be contacted on 101, ext 22316, or on 07884-202596, or on
It’s important to also report burglaries/damage to Richard Corner, on 219, together with incident ref and date. It helps me to link which crimes are related, and helps the Police catch the offenders.
If there’s any urgent news, I’ll post it on the PCC noticeboard, and
Richard Corner (219)